Valley Creek Bridge Replacement
Stillwater County, MT
The Valley Creek Bridge (MDT #04483), located on Cemetery Road two miles west of Park City, crosses Valley Creek and serves as the sole access point for Stillwater County residents on the west end of the road to reach their homes. Due to its deteriorating condition, the existing steel beam bridge with a cast-in-place deck was selected for replacement. Stillwater County secured a $340,550 grant from the Montana Coal Endowment Program, supplemented by matching funds from the Montana Department of Transportation (Senate Bill 536), to finance the project. The County chose to utilize the General Contractor/Construction Manager (GC/CM) delivery method for a more streamlined and efficient construction process.
The new structure will be a 43-foot, single-span concrete tri-deck beam bridge with stub abutments, designed to accommodate two lanes of traffic. Demolition is set to begin in mid-October 2024, with construction expected to be completed by late December 2024.

STay involved
Stahly Engineering & Associates
Justin Lundvall, P.E.
Darby Wells